The Edmnton Division of the RCMP Vertans Association is one of 30 RCMP Veterans Divisions located throughout Canada. The Not for Profit Association is made up of Retired RCMP Officers, Civilian Members, Public Service Employees and Municipal Employees, who were employeed by the RCMP.
- to promote and assist in the promotion and advancement of the best interests of Canada;
- to be of service to the Government of Canada when required and requested;
- to co-operate with and to render assistance to the Police, especially the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, in all matters of common interest or concern;
- to promote the physical, social and economic welfare of the Association’s members or the members of their immediate families;
- to provide support to worthy community services or organizations of a charitable or benevolent nature.
Policies and objectives of the Association are usually determined at its annual general meetings. The Board of Directors is the governing authority between general meetings. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to administer and manage the affairs of the Association on a day to day basis.
To assist the Board of Directors, as well as Divisions of the Association and the general public, the Association maintains a National Office which is usually staffed during normal work hours (Ottawa time). Being conveniently located in the Headquarters complex of the Force, the National Office is thus able to maintain a vital and close liaison with the Force.
Edmonton Division holds Dinner meetings on the last Tuesday of each month except July , August and December. Meetings are held at the Woodvale Golf Club, located at 4540 50 Street, Edmonnton Alberta.
The Vets Association is a great way to meet and socialize together during monthly meetings, as well as during our various committee operations. We support Valour Place, Veterans Food Bank and several other veteran charities.